Why Be a Baptist?
This book is one of the classics. Bro. Taylor pastored for over 30 years in Kentucky and was well-known. This book was first published sometime before his death in 1932. It has gone through at least 7 editions, and the demand continues. Doubtless this is one of the greatest books ever written on the Bible, and therefore, Baptist doctrine.
1. Forward
2. Why Be a Baptist?
3. Baptist Beginnings
4. The Baptist Book
5. The Baptist Name
6. Baptist Peculiarities
7. Three Differentiating Baptist Marks
8. The Baptist Program
9. The Family of God, Kingdom of God, and Church of God Differentiated
10. Baptist Co-operation
11. Women's Work in Baptist Churches
12. Baptist Churches - Conservers and Propagators of the Truth
13. A Baptist Church - The Climax of God's Measureless Wisdom
14. Why Be a Baptist?
Paperback; 117 pages
ISBN 0866451277