Light the Fire
Light the Fire is a book about the Christian development of young people in the church. Today's youth is the church!
It's one of the best books written on the subject of "How To Build a Youth Ministry in a Church." It covers the bases in a sane and Scriptural manner, using what modern and tried methods are capatible with Scriptures, yet avoiding those things which build simply and purely upon the flesh. No church is too small that this book cannot be a help, yet at the same time, it can be of tremendous value for the large church.
Every pastor, deacon, Sunday School teacher, and youth worker should read this book and add it to their library! It will give them some basic fundamentals in getting a Youth Ministry "off the ground."
Use the methods as outlined in this book and you will begin immediately to build your "church of tomorrow."
Table of Contents:
I. Importance of a Youth Ministry in the Church
II. Understanding the Teenager
III. Christian Principles Among the Teenagers
IV. The Youth Department
V. Youth Visitation
VI. Youth Activities
Paperback; 123 pages