Conforming the Christian to the Commands of Christ
by Jerry Wilhite, BA, MDiv, DMin
Prior to His ascension, Jesus gave His church a commission, a mandate to reach men and women with the gospel and then to teach and train them in all spiritual things. They were to teach other believers what Christ had commanded them. This book contains some of the commands Christ issued during His earthly ministry found in Matthew's account. While some of the commands are to lost people, the majority are to believers in His day and yet applicable to believers in this current age.
These 50 lessons were born out of a desire of this missionary to teach disciples what Christ commanded. They are but outlines and comprised of simple truths designed for new converts, though older believers may be blessed too. As the teacher will note, the lessons are unique - unlike usual discipleship material. A tool they are- and just that. This missionary first taught them in a group setting and found that beneficial, but the pastor or teacher may see fit to use them other ways. In all, may the Lord alone be exalted.
In the harvest,
Jerry Wilhite, BA, MDiv, DMin
Missionary to Australia
Lehigh Valley Baptist Church
Emmaus, PA
Also Available on Kindle here: Conforming the Christian to the Commands of Christ