The Case for the Doctrine of Holiness in These Times
We are living in unholy times. In the world there is a deep degeneration of moral principles. In the church there is a loss of interest in personal holiness, and a weakened concept of the holiness of God caused by theological liberalism. This book is a call back to biblical holiness based on biblical definitions of holiness rather than the false pseudo-holiness we hear much about today.
I. Holiness: A Doctrine in Disrepute
II. The Holiness of God
III. The Holiness of God and the Problem of Human Sin
IV. The Holy Man in a Cleansed Man
V. The Holy Man Described
VI. The Holy Man Is A Perfect Man
VII. The Holy Man Is An Ethical Man
VIII. The Holy Man Is A Man Under Discipline
Paperback; 112 pages